Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Teacher Evaluations

How do you determine if a teacher is excellent or not?   How do you know which teachers should serve as mentors and which teachers need to be mentored?   Do you assume that only excellent teachers meet state teacher certification requirements?  Do you check to see how well his/her students score on standardized tests?  What is the best way to evaluate teachers? There are many methods of teacher evaluation.  I will compare the following two frameworks: Ohio Teacher Evaluation System (OTES) and Danielson.

The original OTES framework was based half on teacher performance and standards and half on measurable student progress (test scores).  These seem fair seeing that teachers should both possess observable teaching aptitudes that result in positive student outcomes. OTES especially wants to see proof that each student advanced one academic year.

The state of Ohio also has an alternate framework which is based on  50%  Teacher Performance and Standards, 35% Student Growth Measures, and 15% Other Components (Student surveys, peer evaluations, etc.). Perhaps this second framework is used in low performing inner-city schools. Below are the standards upon which OTES is based.

(taken from Ohio Standards for the Teaching Profession)

The Danielson Framework bases 100% of its evaluation on Teacher Performance and Standards.  According to its developer, Charlotte Danielson, research proves that teachers who measure up to her standards have students who are learning more than students with teachers who do not meet her standards (mmsdtv, 2014). The components of this evaluation system are divided into four domains.

(taken from The Framework)

A teacher can receive one of four ratings from this evaluation: distinguished, proficient, basic, or unsatisfactory.

Both frameworks use the same relevant standards to measure teacher performance. They assess teacher preparation, instructional methods, content mastery, professional development, classroom environment and more.  How do I feel about factoring student test scores in my evaluation as a teacher?  It stands to reason that test scores are a valid component of the assessment of a teacher.  Of the two frameworks that I compared, I think both are excellent and OTES is best.

Reference List

Bucyrusschools (2013, Jan 2). Ohio's Teacher Evaluation System. Retrieved from

Danielson Group (2017). The Framework. Retrieved from

Mmsdtv (2014, Feb 14). Charlotte Danielson: A Common Understanding of Good Teaching.
Retrieved from

Ohio Standards for the Teaching Profession. Retrieved from

OTES Alternative Framework for 2015-2016. Retrieved from

OTES Original Framework for 2015-2016. Retrieved from